Mustache is one of the preferred options to provide a better quality image on the face of men. In this context, the most important thing for a man who wants to grow a mustache is to get professional support. In this context, you should also take action for a healthy mustache transplantation process.

Mustache is considered as a very important element in Anatolian geography. For this reason, it is natural for men who do not have a mustache to want a more masculine structure by having a mustache planted. It is possible to benefit from the most successful options within the framework of the mustache transplantation process, which is considered a medical practice.

How Is Mustache Transplantation Performed?

The most important thing about the mustache transplantation process is to apply to a professional transplantation center. Otherwise, it will not be possible to achieve the mustache you dream of. So let’s take a closer look at how the process happens!

Mustache transplantation is performed with FUE, which is the most successful method, as in hair transplantation. The FUE technique is preferred not only because it is of high quality but also because it is a successful technique. The process begins in order to eliminate the hair deficiency caused by various reasons.

The operation, which starts with local anesthesia, continues with the removal of hairs one by one from the donor area within the framework of the FUE technique. The important thing in this process is that the hairs are planted in the right direction and angle. It is possible to benefit from the most ideal option, thanks to this option, which is especially preferred in order to avoid traces. After the mustaches are planted at the desired level, the healing process begins. In this way, it is possible to achieve the dreamed visuality.

Things to Consider Before Mustache Transplantation

It is beneficial for individuals to be careful before the mustache transplantation process. Because mustache transplantation causes a sensitive process before and after hair transplantation. In this context, if you are going to have a mustache planted, it is useful to act by considering the following details.

  • Mustache area should be clean before the operation,
  • Blood thinners and elements that will complicate the operation should not be consumed,
  • Foods such as coffee and tea containing caffeine should not be consumed,
  • Avoid substances that delay healing, such as cigarettes and alcohol,
  • Clothes with buttons or zippers should be preferred instead of clothes that will cause the mustache to rub.

Things to Consider After Mustache Transplantation

Things to consider after mustache transplantation are the details that will directly affect the healing process. For this reason, the following points should be taken into account in order to facilitate recovery.

  • When the mustache transplantation is completed, it is possible for the individual to return to his social life,
  • The healing process should be triggered by performing the first wash within the period specified by the transplant specialist,
  • Must not touch the mustache area during the period until the washing process,
  • Protective measures should be taken against situations such as friction and impact,
  • To shave, you should get expert opinion and be careful about it,
  • You can relieve your pain by choosing painkillers recommended by the specialist against pain,
  • You need to wait an average of 10 months to get a natural mustache look.

Who Can Have Mustache Transplantation?

There are question marks about who will be the people who want to have a mustache transplant. As a result of the preliminary examinations, anyone who does not have any health problems related to mustache transplantation can benefit from mustache transplantation. At this point, thinning of the hairs, non-growth or sparseness in the mustache area for various reasons are considered among the reasons that require mustache transplantation.

If you are also faced with a thinning of your mustache, you should definitely have a mustache transplant and get a natural look. All you need to do to get a natural look is to apply to a professional mustache transplant clinic.

Frequently Asked Questions About Mustache Transplantation

How long does the mustache transplant operation take?

Although the mustache transplant operation varies from person to person, the operation time varies between 3 and 5 hours on average.

What age range is suitable for hair transplantation?

Although there is no age limit for hair transplant operation, the lower limit is 24. If the hair is not dense enough in men aged 24 and over, mustache transplantation can be applied.